Don’t CA our CT – Stop the Gas-Powered Vehicle Ban
DEEP’s proposed new regulations would prohibit Connecticut residents from purchasing new gas-powered vehicles after 2035.
Submit your public comments today to stop these bans from taking place.
2023 Legislative Session Recap
The Yankee Institute has been hard at work helping to defeat legislation in Hartford that would have limited
your free market opportunities, property rights, and individual liberties. Although Yankee may have sounded
the alarm, you led the fight – sending thousands of emails to lawmakers through our Take Action page.
You achieved all this and more.
Thank you for your partnership in our work together — for Connecticut and its future.
Together, we were able to have a real impact, killing or watering down nearly a dozen bills this last session.
Learn more about some of the “bad bills” that Yankee helped defeat from the 2023 Legislative session.
Make your voice count
Yankee Institute is proud to be your eyes, ears — and voice — at the Capitol. As we fight for common sense policy solutions every day, so can you! You can and should voice your opinions at the Capitol about legislation that matters to you.
But we realize the prospect of researching and tracking bills, attending public hearings and testifying, or talking to your representatives can be time-consuming and even intimidating. That’s why we provide you with the resources and information to make navigating Connecticut’s legislative process as easy as possible.
Find your legislator:
To find who your legislator is, you can search here using your home address. The CGA website houses all the information you may need — from contact information to committee agendas, bill language, and vote tallies.
Track bills:
To track bills on your own during the legislative session, you should read the House list of bills and the Senate list of bills daily. They are updated each day to reflect new bills that have been introduced during session.
The bulletin is also released daily with important information including the day’s agenda and the timing of upcoming public hearings.
You can even sign up to get alerts about bills here. We recommend tracking any bill on which you might testify. The site will alert you automatically when that bill is put on a committee’s public hearing agenda, called in the House or Senate, or is the subject of any other important movements in the legislative process.
Submit public testimony:
Testifying in support of or in opposition to a bill gives you a chance to have your voice heard publicly by committee members and can make a big difference in a bill’s success or failure.
All committees accept written testimony via email and in-person oral testimony. Each committee has different instructions for oral testimony, but generally you can sign up an hour before the public hearing on a sheet outside of the room where it will be held. Information about specific upcoming public hearings, where to submit written testimony, how sign up for in-person testimony, and the location of public hearings can all be found in the bulletin.
When testifying in person, you will have three minutes to speak, followed by any questions from the committee.
After testifying, continue to follow the bill’s progress using the tracking system on the CGA website! As always, you can email your representative and others as well as call their offices.
At Yankee Institute, we are always happy to answer your questions about the legislative process and help you navigate the Capitol. Please email with any questions or concerns.