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Thank you for helping us make Connecticut better!

Over the past legislative session the last couple of years, you’ve helped send thousands of messages to lawmakers through our easy-to-use message platform which has resulted in dozens of important wins for our state! You are the voice of the hard-working people of Connecticut who want a prosperous future.



2024 Legislative Session Recap


The Connecticut General Assembly’s “short” session wrapped on May 8, which means that lawmakers were limited to “budgetary, revenue and financial matters,” per the state constitution and legislative rules.

Nevertheless, budgetary matters can concern a host of issues, and lawmakers proposed more than a thousand bills — from labor unions demanding pay for striking workers, an omnibus environment package (known as the ‘Green Monster’) and even levying taxes to fund the 250th anniversary of America’s founding.

And while these ideas would or will have a negative impact on improving Connecticut’s business climate status — which ranks among the worst in the nation — the legislature also passed several ‘good’ bills that await Gov. Ned Lamont’s approval.

Check out our breakdown of what we at Yankee Institute saw during the short session.

Click to see all the bills we’re tracking.

We Approve
We’re Monitoring
We Oppose

2023 Legislative Session Recap

The Yankee Institute has been hard at work helping to defeat legislation in Hartford that would have limited your free market opportunities, property rights, and individual liberties. Although Yankee may have sounded the alarm, you led the fight – sending thousands of emails to lawmakers through our Take Action page.

You achieved all this and more.

Thank you for your partnership in our work together — for Connecticut and its future.

Together, we were able to have a real impact, killing or watering down nearly a dozen bills this last session.
Learn more about some of the “bad bills” that Yankee helped defeat from the 2023 Legislative session.