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Breaking News, Laws, and Executive Orders 

Connecticut Executive Orders issued by Governor Lamont 
  • JUNE 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EEE: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Authorization for DSS to provide funding from the Coronavirus Relief Fund to additional providers; and Online continuing education for plumbers and electricians.
  • JUNE 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7DDD: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Extended protections for residential renters affected by COVID-19; and Authority to extend statutory and regulatory administrative deadlines by an additional 90 days.
  • JUNE 26, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CCC: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Clarification of time periods in Executive Order No. 7I; Extension of time for fire service personnel examinations; and Issuance of duplicate licenses and identity cards.
  • JUNE 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7BBB: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Safety advisory regarding travel from states with high infection rates; Amended deadline for candidates to withdraw from presidential primary; Accelerated date to finalize order of names on presidential primary ballot; Temporary commercial pesticide junior operator certification; and Authority to modify enhanced health procedures in child care and day camps.
  • JUNE 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AAA: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Technical correction to Executive Order No. 7ZZ, Section 8; Authority to modify limitation on group sizes in child care; Waiver of requirement to hold annual agricultural fair and reporting requirement to maintain agricultural society property tax exemption; and Mandatory COVID-19 testing for staff of private and municipal nursing home facilities, managed residential communities, and assisted living services agencies.
  • JUNE 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7ZZ: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Modifications to adapt to Phase 2 reopening efforts; Restrictions on large gatherings and events; Further clarification of limits on alcohol sales by restaurants, bars, and private clubs; Restrictions of off-track betting extended; Extension of essential business rules; Clarification of Executive Order No. 7MM; and Extension of remote notarization.
  • JUNE 10, 2020: Executive Order No. 7YY: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Resumption of court filing deadlines; Modifications to DMV functions; and Modifications to Executive Order No. 7E.
  • JUNE 6, 2020: Executive Order No. 7XX: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Modification of safety rules for drive-in religious gatherings; Safety rules for drive-in graduations; and Suspension of the involuntary discharge of nursing facility residents and residential care home residents who may be discharged to homeless shelters, except during emergency situations or with respect to COVID-19 recovered discharges.
  • JUNE 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7WW: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Technical clarifications regarding the ballot petitioning process for the August 2020 primary and November 2020 general election; and Further clarification of limits on alcohol service and sales related to catering.
  • JUNE 2: 2020: Executive Order No. 7VV: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Amended limitation on program sizes in child care.
  • JUNE 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7UU: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Mandatory COVID-19 testing for staff of private and municipal nursing homes, residential communities and assisted living agencies; and Determination of suitable work.
  • MAY 29, 2020: Executive Order No. 7TT: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Reopening of barbershops and hair salons on June 1; and Amended prohibitions on large gatherings.
  • MAY 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 7SS: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Permits the creation of a temporary nurse aide position.
  • MAY 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7RR: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Authority for DEEP to issue rental refunds; Modification of age limit for early intervention coverage; and Waiver of requirement for guest books at private clubs.
  • MAY 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 7QQ: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Modifications to permit the use of absentee ballots to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission during August 11, 2020 primary; and Clarification that orders by commissioners issued pursuant to the governor’s executive orders are not regulations.
  • MAY 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7PP: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Reopening Phase 1; Enforcement of sector rules governing the reopening of businesses; Extension of prohibition on large gatherings to June 20, 2020; Extension of restrictions on off-track betting, indoor fitness, and movie theaters to June 20; Further clarification of limits on restaurants, bars, and private clubs – mixed drinks permitted for takeout delivery; Limitation on the operation of day camps; Enhanced health procedures for all day camps; Cancellation of resident camp operations; Limitation on the operation of summer and educational programs operated by local or regional boards of education; and Suspension or modification of regulatory requirements to protect public health and safety.
  • MAY 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7OO: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Procedures for local appointments and elections requiring in-person vote.
  • MAY 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7NN: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Waiver of statutory vote on supplemental federal block grant; Remote participation in member meetings; Waiver of certain regulatory limitations on the amount of support that can be provided to caregiver relatives; Technical modification of grace period for April and May rent; Authorization for OPM to direct DSS to provide Coronavirus Relief Fund distributions to nursing home facilities; Authorization for OPM to direct DSS to provide Coronavirus Relief Fund distributions to COVID recovery facilities and alternate COVID recovery facilities; Authorization for additional COVID-19 related hardship relief funding under the Coronavirus Relief Fund to nursing home facilities; Coronavirus Relief Fund distribution determinations not subject to rehearing or appeal; and Extension and sunset of suspension of tax on single-use plastic checkout bags.
  • MAY 12: 2020: Executive Order No. 7MM: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Allows municipalities to expedite changes to their zoning rules or other ordinances to expand outdoor dining; Creates an expedited approval process for restaurants and other establishments that serve food to get fast-tracked permission to create or expand outdoor dining areas; Allows other businesses such as retail stores to get fast-tracked permission to sell goods on the sidewalk or in other outdoor areas, including shared spaces or spaces provided by municipalities; Allows restaurants and other businesses who already have liquor permits to serve alcohol only with food without applying for a separate patio or extension of use permit; and Allows private clubs to sell alcohol only to their members for delivery or pickup.
  • MAY 11, 2020: Executive Order No. 7LL: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Modifications to the petitioning process for the August primary.
  • MAY 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7KK: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Pharmacists are permitted to order and administer Food and Drug Administration approved tests for COVID-19.
  • MAY 6, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JJ: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Applicability of Executive Order No. 7S, Section 8 – Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the Homeowners’ Elderly/Disabled, Circuit Breaker Tax Relief Program and for the Homeowners’ Elderly/Disabled Freeze Tax Relief Program; Distance learning and remote testing certification for DEEP programs; Tolling of land use and building permits; and Allowance of suspension of in-person voting requirements by members of the public for critical and time-sensitive municipal decisions.
  • MAY 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7II: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Extension of school class cancellations for remainder of school year; Authorization for the Department of Social Services commissioner to temporarily waive, modify, or suspend home health regulatory requirements; Extension of the start date for imposition of a late fee for obtaining dog licenses from July 1, 2020 to August 1, 2020; and Authority to waive certain requirements for the issuance of vouchers under the Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children.
  • MAY 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7HH: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Mandatory suspension of annual town meeting or referendum to adopt budget; and Authorization for common-interest communities to hold meetings remotely.
  • APRIL 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7GG: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Extension of payment time for sealed ticket revenue due to the state; Waiver of notarization requirement for embalmer’s affidavit accompanying death certificates; Temporary suspension of controlled substance registration; Modification of state contracting statutes to facilitate the emergency procurement of essential services; Modification of state contracting authorities to facilitate the emergency procurement of essential services; Modification of state construction requirements to facilitate the emergency provision of construction and construction-related services; and Extension of existing contracts to prevent gaps in necessary services.
  • APRIL 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7FF: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Additional flexibility for Medicaid-enrolled providers to perform telehealth through audio-only methods for new patients.
  • APRIL 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EE: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Mandatory reporting by managed residential communities; Mandatory reporting by nursing homes; Civil Penalties for failure to comply with mandatory reporting; Waiving certain Medicaid prior authorization requirements; Waiving Medicaid bed reservation requirements for residents on leave from intermediate care facilities for individuals with intellectual disabilities; and Waiving requirements for signed delivery receipt for medical equipment, devices, and supplies.
  • APRIL 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7DD: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Additions to the definition of telehealth provider; Flexibility for Medicaid-enrolled providers and in-network providers for commercial fully insured health insurance to perform telehealth through additional methods; Additions to permissible out-of-state healthcare providers; Participation in intern, resident physician, or United States Medical Officer candidate training programs prior to permit issuance; Participation in resident physician assistant program prior to permit issuance; Temporary suspension of physician assistant supervision restrictions; Temporary suspension of in-person supervision requirement for advanced practice registered nurses; Provision of services by respiratory care therapist and respiratory care technician students; Suspension of continuing education requirement for health care providers; and Modification of 36-month age limit for Birth-to-Three services.
  • APRIL 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7CC: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Applicability of Executive Order No. 7S, Section 7 to additional critical and time-sensitive municipal fiscal actions; Clarification of time periods regarding suspension and modification of non-judicial tax sales pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 11; Exclusion of federal stimulus payments in evaluating eligibility for state or local programs financed in whole or in part using state funds; Alternative to physical presence in court for finding of irretrievable breakdown of marriage; Alternative to in-person waiver of right to file motion or petition for educational support; Alternative to physical appearance of petitioner regarding decree of dissolution after entry of decree of legal separation; Alternative to in-court canvas prior to entrance of final agreement; Alternative to physical presence when findings on the record required; and Revised financial protections for people covered by insurance who receive out-of-network health care services during the public health emergency.
  • APRIL 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7BB: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Cloth face coverings or higher level of protection required in public wherever close contact is unavoidable; and Further postponement of presidential preference primary to August 11
  • APRIL 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AA: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Approval of temporary additional nursing home beds for COVID-19 recovery.
  • APRIL 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Z: Modification of state contracting statutes to facilitate the emergency procurement of essential goods; In-person attendance requirement suspended for assessment appeals; and Suspension of requirements for security officer license.
  • APRIL 11: 2020: Executive Order No. 7Y: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Implementation of a nursing home surge plan.
  • APRIL 10: 2020: Executive Order No. 7X: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Protections for residential renters impacted by COVID-19; Continued cancellation of school classes through May 20, 2020; Extension of closures, distancing, and safety measures through May 20, 2020; Modification or deferral of educator certification testing; and Permission to operate food trucks at rest areas.
  • APRIL 9, 2020: Executive Order No. 7W: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Suspension and modification of tax deadlines and collection efforts pursuant to Executive Order No. 7S, Section 6; No increased experience rating based on COVID-19 unemployment claims; Coil cleaning requirements modified; Delivery signature requirement suspended; Return of permit not necessary for temporary closures pursuant to Executive Order No. 7D; Ninety-day provisional permits; Renewal date for on-premise liquor permits to be extended; and Permit need not be recorded with town clerk.
  • APRIL 7, 2020: Executive Order No. 7V: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Safe workplaces in essential businesses; Temporary permits for certain health care providers extended and fees waived; Practice before licensure for certain health care profession applicants and graduates; Practice before licensure for marital and family therapy associates; Practice before licensure for professional counselor associates; and Protection from civil liability for actions or omissions in support of the state’s COVID-19 response.
  • APRIL 5, 2020: Executive Order No. 7U: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Protection from civil liability for actions or omissions in support of the state’s COVID-19 response; and Financial protections for the uninsured and people covered by insurance who receive out-of-network health care services during the public health emergency.
  • APRIL 2, 2020: Executive Order No. 7T: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Prohibition on non-essential lodging; Further clarification of limits on restaurants, bars, and private clubs; Suspension of notarization requirement related to Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program; Flexibility to maintain adequate child care infrastructure; Suspension of rehearing rights for temporary rate increases for certain health care providers; and Alternative to affidavits in relation to orders of protection and relief.
  • APRIL 1, 2020: Executive Order No. 7S: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Safe stores mandatory statewide rules 60-day grace period for premium payments, policy cancellations, and non-renewals of insurance policies; Extension of 30-day period of credit for liquor permittees; Daily payment of certain taxes changed to weekly; Flexibility to amend Medicaid waivers and state plan; Relief from certain municipal tax deadlines and collection efforts; Allow suspension of in-person voting requirements for critical and time sensitive municipal fiscal deadlines; Suspension of reapplication filing requirement for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled circuit breaker tax relief program and for the homeowners’ elderly/disabled freeze tax relief program; Substitution of full inspection requirements pertaining to October 1, 2020 grand list revaluations; Extension of deadline to file income and expense statement to August 15; Suspension of non-judicial tax sales
  • MARCH 31, 2020: Executive Order No. 7R: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Continuation of funding for boards of education; Continuation of payment of public school staff; Preservation of student transportation services and special education providers; Restrictions on entrance to state parks, forests, and other lands; and Curbside pickup of alcoholic beverages permitted.
  • MARCH 30, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Q: Takes several emergency actions in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the governor’s civil preparedness and public health declarations, including: Requirement of limited group sizes in childcare; Enhancement of health procedures for all operating childcare programs; and Authorization of remote notarization.
  • MARCH 28, 2020: Executive Order No. 7P: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response – Safe Housing for People Experiencing Homelessness, First Responders, and Healthcare Workers
  • MARCH 27, 2020: Executive Order No. 7O: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response – Flexibility in DPH Licensing Renewal Requirements and Provider Assignment, Expanded Hand Sanitizer Production, Waiver of Birth-to-Three Fees
  • MARCH 26, 2020: Executive Order No. 7N: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response- Increased Distancing, Expanded Family Assistance, and Academic Assessment Suspension
  • MARCH 25, 2020: Executive Order No. 7M: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response – Extension of Agency Administrative Deadlines
  • MARCH 24, 2020: Executive Order No. 7L: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response – Extension of School Cancellation, Municipal Retiree Reemployment, Open Fishing Season and Additional Public Health Measures
  • MARCH 23, 2020: Executive Order No. 7KProtection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Remote Notarization, Suspension of Non-Critical Probate and Workers’ Compensation Operations, and Various Public Health Measures 
  • MARCH 22, 2020: Executive Order No. 7JProtection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Clarifying EO No. 7H regarding Operations at Non-Essential Businesses and Providing for Rapid State Government Emergency Response 
  • MARCH 21, 2020: Executive Order No. 7I: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Municipal Operations and Availability of Assistance and Healthcare 
  • MARCH 20, 2020: Executive Order No. 7H: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Restrictions on Workplaces for Non-Essential Businesses, Coordinated Response Effort 
  • MARCH 19, 2020: Executive Order No. 7G: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—President Primary Postponement and Additional Public Health Measures 
  • MARCH 18, 2020: Executive Order No. 7FProtection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Further Suspension or Modification of Statutes 
  • MARCH 17, 2020: Executive Order No. 7EProtection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Further Suspension or Modification of Statutes 
  • MARCH 16, 2020: Executive Order No. 7DProtection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Crowd Reduction and Social Distancing 
  • MARCH 15, 2020: Executive Order No. 7C: Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Further Suspension or Modification of Statutes 
  • MARCH 14, 2020: Executive Order No. 7BProtection of Public Health and Safety During Covid-19 Pandemic and Response—Further Suspension or Modification of Statutes 
  • MARCH 13, 2020: Executive Order No. 7AProtection of Residents of Nursing Home Facilities, Residential Care Homes and Chronic Disease Hospitals During Covid-19 Pandemic 
  • MARCH 12, 2020: Executive Order No. 7Protection of Public Health and Safety During Covid 19 Pandemic and Response 
  • MARCH 10, 2020: Declaration of Civil Preparedness and Public Health Emergencies 
Federal Executive Orders issued by President Trump 
Federal Memorandums
Federal Bills signed into law 

General Health

What are the symptoms or Covid-19 and what should I do if I have symptoms 

Based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) the symptoms for Covid-19 include: fever, cough, shortness of breath and persistent pressure in your chest. If you have any symptoms you should call your doctor immediately and stay in your home until they advise you on further steps. The CDC also advises you to separate yourself from other people in your household and to wear a facemask if you have one. For more details please click here.  

How do I protect myself from Covid-19?  
  • Wash your hands—use soap and warm water while scrubbing your hands together for at least 20 seconds. If you don’t have soap and water use a hand sanitizer that has at least 60% alcohol.  
  • Stay home—avoid public transportation and only leave the house if you must.  
  • Avoid touching your face 
  • Cover your mouth when you cough and/or sneeze 
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick 
  • Clean and disinfect often 
  • Practice social distancing—keep 6 feet away from all people. Do not shake hands or touch others. Wear a facemask if you have one.  
  • For a full list of preventative measures, click here 
What are the latest cases of Covid-19 in Connecticut?  

There are currently over 400 cases in Connecticut. You can access the statistics for the Connecticut cases, broken down by town by clicking here. 

Individuals & Families  

Do I still have to file my taxes by April 15th? 

No, Tax Day has been moved from April 15 to July 15. This applies to families and businesses, with intertest and penalties waived. 

For how long will schools be closed? 

Schools are closed until April 20. Recent news states that schools will likely be closed until Fall. Standardized testing requirements for K-12 are eliminated.

What if I can’t afford my utilities this month? 

The Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) placed a temporary moratorium on the entities it regulates, including electric, gas, and water public service companies to refrain from terminating service to residential customers for 30 days, subject to renewal. 

Can I still go to state parks? 

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) closed all of its visitor centers and facilities associated with its State Parks that are open to the public. Gatherings at the parks and facilities are also suspended through late April. However, Governor Lamont has opened the fishing season early.

What if I am having trouble paying my mortgage? 

Homeowners impacted by COVID-19 may seek available mortgage assistance and relief options.  For information, please see Fannie Mae’s guidelines for single-family mortgages: https://www.fanniemae.com/portal/media/corporate-news/2020/covid-homeowner-assistance-options-7000.html 

How do I file for unemployment benefits? 

DOL has all of the information and guidelines needed to file for unemployment here: https://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/DOLCOVIDFAQ.PDF 

Workers directly impacted by the coronavirus pandemic no longer must be actively searching for work to qualify for unemployment assistance.  Follow this like to file for unemployment: http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/UI-OnLine/index.htm 

How can I get internet access? 

Virtually every internet provider in Connecticut has signed onto the FCC’s Keep Americans Connected Pledge. This means that companies will: 

  • Not terminate service to any residential or small business customers due to an inability to pay their bills due to the disruptions caused by COVID 19. 
  • Waive any late fees that any residential or small business customers incur because of their economic circumstances related to COVID 19 disruption 
  • Open all WiFi hotspots to the general public. 

Small Businesses 

Am I an essential business? Do I need to shut down? 

Gov. Ned Lamont ordered all non-essential businesses to convert to work from home status starting at 8 p.m. Monday March 23, but the definition of what are “essential businesses” is broad and includes any business related to healthcare, manufacturing, infrastructure, construction, retail, safety and sanitation, defense and childcare. Being a non-essential business does not mean you can’t do business. The governor’s order applies to “places of business,” not the businesses themselves. Staff can be on-site to provide remote ordering, delivery or curb-side pick-up or to provide “security, maintenance or receipt of mail and packages.” Of course, if possible, working from home is the best way to keep your employees safe. For a complete list of what qualifies as an essential business under Gov. Lamont’s executive order, follow this link: https://portal.ct.gov/DECD/Content/Coronavirus-for-Businesses/Coronavirus-for-Businesses  

You may also request that your business be designated as essential through this application: https://portal.ct.gov/DECD/Content/Coronavirus-for-Businesses/Essential-Business-Designation-Form 

Do I still have to pay my taxes? 

Unfortunately, yes, but the state of Connecticut and the federal government have extended the tax filing deadline until July 15, 2020. https://portal.ct.gov/DRS/News—Press-Releases/2020/2020-Press-Releases/Effective-Immediately-DRS-Extends-Filing-Deadline-for-Certain-Annual-State-Business-Tax-Returns 

How am I supposed to pay my bills? 

Small businesses in Connecticut can apply for loans up to $2 million through the federal government’s Small Business Administration. You can find the application here: https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance 

Furthermore, if you have a loan from the State of Connecticut through the Small Business Express program, repayment of that loan has been deferred for three months. 

Connecticut’s Public Utility Regulatory Authority has also issued a moratorium on utility shut-offs for the duration of this health emergency. However, the order only applies to residences, not businesseshttps://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Coronavirus/20200312-PURA-utility-shut-off.pdf?la=en 

Connecticut is now offering qualifying organizations with 100 or fewer employees access to no-interest loans. Under the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan program, a qualifying business or nonprofit organization can apply for a loan of up to $75,000 or three months of operating expenses (whichever is lesser).

This $25 million short-term emergency loan program will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. The program will be administered by the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) and expedited with the administrative and underwriting support of Connecticut Innovations

What are paycheck protection program loans (PPP) ?

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), was established by section 1102 of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act or the Act).

The Paycheck Protection Program prioritizes millions of Americans employed by small businesses by authorizing up to $349 billion toward job retention and certain other expenses.

Small businesses and eligible nonprofit organizations, Veterans organizations, and Tribal businesses described in the Small Business Act, as well as individuals who are self-employed or are independent contractors, are eligible if they also meet program size standards.

The US Treasury Department has more information available here as well as an updated frequently asked question page here.

How do I apply for the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program?

To apply for the Connecticut Recovery Bridge Loan Program, applicants must complete an application.
The following information will also be required:

  • Project Financing Plan & Budget
  • 2019 Income Statement (or) Profit and Loss Statement 
  • Internal Financial Statements (YTD)
  • 3-month projected cash flow, demonstrating need
  • Summary of adverse economic impact resulting from COVID-19 
  • Recent credit score report  
  • Applicant Structure Documents
  • Personal Financial Statement
  • Ownership Breakdown
  • DRS Letter of Good Standing

Upon completing the application and obtaining the required documentation, organizations can submit the information online, via email to decdctrecovery@ct.gov.
Click here for more information and frequently asked questions 

What about Paid Family Medical Leave for my employees when they are calling out sick? 

The federal government is requiring all small businesses with 500 or fewer employees to provide two weeks of paid family and medical leave regardless of how long they have been an employee, if they are subject to a quarantine or isolation order related to the COVID-19 virus, has been advised by a health provider to quarantine, is experiencing symptoms similar to the virus, is caring for an individual subject to quarantine or caring for children because the schools are closed or caregiver is unavailable due to the public health crisis. 

Employees who are directed to quarantine by a health care provider are to be compensated at the higher of their regular pay, federal minimum wage or state minimum wage, but not to exceed $511 per day or $5,110 in aggregate. 

However, if the employee is absent to care for a sick family member or because their child is out of school are to be compensated at 2/3 the above-mentioned rate, not to exceed $200 per day or $2,000 in aggregate. 

The Secretary of Labor can issue an exemption for covering paid sick leave to companies with less than 50 employees if that sick leave is due to school closure if the imposition of the paid sick leave would jeopardize the viability of the business. 

For more information visit here: https://www.uschamber.com/issue-brief/summary-of-latest-congressional-action-coronavirus-response 

I’m supposed to renew my license or have my employees complete continuing education requirements, but the state is shut down. What do I do? 

The Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection has extended licensing and continuing education requirements for some businesses, but they have not released a comprehensive list. It is best to contact the DCP directly via email to inquire about any continuing education or licensing fees/permits. License renewal information is here: https://portal.ct.gov/DCP/License-Services-Division/License-Division/To-Renew-Online 

Continuing education information is here: https://portal.ct.gov/DCP/License-Services-Division/v3-pages/Education-Exam-and-Training-Information 

How do I find contact information for my State Senator and State Representative?  

CGA Legislator Finder: https://cga.ct.gov/asp/menu/cgafindleg.asp 

Municipalities and Local Government  

What are the changes / timelines for municipalities and towns to adopt their budgets? 

The Governor’s executive order 7I has made some significant changes that affect municipalities in several areas, including adoption of their budget, land use applications, and taxation. The changes are discussed in detail in the order, https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-Governor/Executive-Orders/Lamont-Executive-Orders/Executive-Order-No-7I.pdf 

Section 13 gives the Board of Selectmen — and not a town meeting or a referendum — final authority to approve spending levels and local mill rates. It also directs local leaders to make options available for the public to inspect and comment on the budget remotely. This would involve posting the budget on town websites and allowing residents to submit comments on these fiscal plans by email. More information here 

What are the voting requirements? In person, electronically,?  

Section 13 relieves towns of any in-person voting requirements (including referenda and any town meetings requiring in-person votes) for purposes of adopting 2020-2021 fiscal year municipal budgets and setting the mill rate. The budget-making authority is obligated to make reasonable efforts to reach out to the public and receive comments.  

How is a town’s budget making authority defined?  

For guidance on identifying a town’s “budget making authority,” please refer to (1) your local charter; (2) Title 7; or (3) local ordinances in communities without charters. Section 14 establishes a parallel process for the adoption of budgets by regional boards of education.  

What about taxation and assessment? 

Section 15 extends deadlines and waives penalties for municipalities’ failure to file certain information with the state within the statutory deadlines; Section 16 allows hearings of Boards of Assessment Appeals and certain abatement and exemption filings to be done electronically rather than in person.  

What are the deadlines and proceedings on Land Use Applications? 

 Section 19 provides that land use applications and proceedings may have their deadlines extended by up to 90 days in addition to any other statutory or regulatory extension provisions. Statutory or regulatory provisions requiring filings or publications of notices and other information are generally suspended to allow such filings or publications to be made on the municipality’s website rather than in the town clerk’s office or in a newspaper  

What are the deadlines for municipal budget adoptions that fall on or before May 15? 

Executive Order 7C  (https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Office-of-the-Governor/Executive-Orders/Lamont-Executive-Orders/Executive-Order-No-7C.pdf) extended all deadlines for municipal budget adoption that fall on or before May 15. The intent of that order was to give towns flexibility and allow them to meet, extend, or adjust all the preliminary deadlines that lead to a budget adoption vote or meeting. That order, and its deadline extensions, are still in effect, so towns have some flexibility in deciding whether to act or whether to wait at least some time on their budget adoption process until the situation improves.  Budget action that requires an in-person vote of residents or taxpayers is replaced by the provisions of Executive Order 7I.     

Can I reemploy retired municipal workers to meet staffing needs?

Yes, Governor Lamont has suspended restrictions on rehiring municipal retirees.

Where can I obtain answers to additional questions regarding procedures and protocol?  

For frequently asked questions, please refer to https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/Coronavirus/COVID-19-FAQs.pdf?la=en 

Yankee Staff

Yankee Institute is a 501(c)(3) research and citizen education organization that does not accept government funding. Yankee Institute develops and advances free-market, limited-government solutions in Connecticut. As one of America’s oldest state-based think tanks, Yankee is a leading advocate for smart, limited government; fairness for taxpayers; and an open road to opportunity.


  1. Robert Kreitler
    March 20, 2020 @ 3:07 pm

    Lets encourage the state for six months to reduce restrictions on small businesses to help them come back. This could include lifting restrictions on minimum age, minimum wages, easing certification to work, etc. all ways to make it easier to hire employees and restart their companies


    • Wally Hauck, PhD
      April 16, 2020 @ 2:55 pm

      Dear Yankee Institute:
      Thank you for all your amazing work and total commitment to fiscal responsibility and freedom in CT. We are living under tyranny and many of us are wondering why we are putting up with it. Sweden has not shut down, why should we. Aren’t we as free a culture as Sweden (https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/03/24/sweden-coronavirus-open-for-business/)?

      Many of us believe the Governor does NOT have the authority to shut down the economy. Are we wrong? Why can’t we object? Why can’t we protest? Why can’t we decide for ourselves whether we need to be out? Why can’t we decide for ourselves how to be safe? Why can’t we boost our hospital capacity while at the same time open the economy?

      What can we do, in cooperation with the Yankee Institute, to change this tyrannical decision? We stand ready to help you lead us with the right approach and with the right strategy.


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