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Grocery bag tax, paid family leave among bills passed by committee votes

Many important bills are making their way through the state legislature and several have been passed out of committee. Some of them are good, others bad. These proposed bills will have a big impact on the people of Connecticut, so we have listed some of them below with an update on what they do and what it could mean for Connecticut.


House Bill 6212 – An Act Concerning Earned Family and Medical Leave
This would institute a payroll tax on all Connecticut employees and establish a “trust fund” which would pay family and medical leave up to $1,000 per week. The bill does not specify how much that payroll tax would be and based on figures from last year’s proposal the trust fund would quickly become insolvent. It will just be more money out the pocket of employees to fund a system that won’t work.

House Bill 6313 – An Act Establishing a Tax on Single-Use Plastic and Paper Bags
Plastic and paper bags are recyclable. This is just another tax that will hit working families the hardest. Not to mention it is already wildly unpopular with the public.

House Bill 5591 – An Act Concerning Pay Equity in the Workforce
There are already federal laws requiring pay equity, which makes this bill more political theater than anything else and a waste of time for lawmakers.


House Bill 5590 – An Act Creating a Task Force to Improve the Workforce Development in the State of Connecticut
This would establish a task force to find ways to improve Connecticut’s workforce development. Manufacturing companies in Connecticut are in dire need of people with STEM skills, and we support a statewide effort to improve our workforce to meet employer needs.

House Bill 5764 – An Act Concerning Barbers and Hairdressers
This bill would remove criminal history restrictions for licensing a barber or hairdresser. These restrictions were unnecessary to begin with. Even people with criminal histories need the chance to earn a living after they have paid their debt to society.

House Bill 6074 – An Act Reducing by Half Certain Occupational Licenses, Certifications, Registrations or Permits for Veterans and Their Spouses.
This bill would reduce occupational licensing fees for veterans and their spouses. This would reduce the barriers and red tape for military veterans and their families to get jobs in Connecticut.

House Bill 6219 – An Act Concerning Community Reentry by Persons Who Were Incarcerated and House Bill 6398 – An Act Concerning Occupational Licensing and Persons with Criminal Histories
This bill would offer tax incentives to businesses which higher people who were formerly incarcerated. Employment helps reduce recidivism rates and helps people start a new life.

House Bill 6461 – An Act Concerning Unemployment Compensation
This bill would make some much needed reforms to the unemployment compensation system, which has not been reformed in fifty years, and ensure the program is sustainable and cost effective for businesses.

Marc E. Fitch

Marc E. Fitch is the author of several books and novels including Shmexperts: How Power Politics and Ideology are Disguised as Science and Paranormal Nation: Why America Needs Ghosts, UFOs and Bigfoot. Marc was a 2014 Robert Novak Journalism Fellow and his work has appeared in The Federalist, American Thinker, The Skeptical Inquirer, World Net Daily and Real Clear Policy. Marc has a Master of Fine Arts degree from Western Connecticut State University. Marc can be reached at Marc@YankeeInstitute.org

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