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Don’t CA our CT! Stop the Gas Vehicle Ban Now!

Even when the legislature is out of session, the government still finds a way to intrude into our lives and restrict our freedoms. This time, they want to BAN the sale of new gas cars and trucks in the state by 2035! These proposed state regulations by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) are similar to those adopted by the state of California last year requiring all new cars, trucks and SUVs to be electric or hydrogen.  

If enacted, these new regulations would place limits on the number of new gas-powered vehicles sold in Connecticut after 2027 before eliminating all gas vehicle sales in 2035. The state is effectively trying to force hard-working taxpayers to spend their money on expensive vehicles when it should be focused on other priorities.

Why are we Connecticuters forced to do something Californians are doing? That’s not how this should work!

BUT there is still time to TAKE ACTION.

Help us stop this overreach by submitting written comments to each of DEEP’s proposed regulations! Don’t wait – we only have until August 30 before the comment submissions CLOSE!

Not sure what to write? Here are some talking points to get you started:

  • Emissions from vehicles in Connecticut account for an estimated 0.04% of global emissions, banning gasoline powered vehicles in Connecticut will have no effect on the global climate[1].
  • On average, electric powered cars cost nearly twice as much to purchase as gasoline powered cars. Banning gasoline powered vehicles in Connecticut will lead to significant costs to residents and businesses[2].
  • Shifting to all electric vehicles in Connecticut will demand a drastic increase in the amount of energy created in the state and the region and there is no reasonable plan to create this energy.[3]
  • There is not nearly enough electric car charging infrastructure available to require all vehicles to be electric powered. How many taxpayer dollars will be spent to build this infrastructure?
  • Electric powered vehicle batteries make them heavier than comparable gas-powered vehicles which results in greater emissions from tire, road, and brake wear over the life of the vehicle.

Carol Platt Liebau writes about the impact
of the gas vehicle ban on CT taxpayers

Interested in learning more about the proposed regulation? Read the Proposed Regulation: Gas-Powered Cars and the Proposed Regulation: Gas-Powered Trucks.

Remember, your next trip to the auto dealer may be a pricy one if these regulations are passed! Please consider submitting written commentary opposing these unnecessary regulations today.

[1] https://www.iea.org/news/global-co2-emissions-rose-less-than-initially-feared-in-2022-as-clean-energy-growth-offset-much-of-the-impact-of-greater-coal-and-oil-use#

[2] https://www.thezebra.com/resources/driving/gas-car-vs-hybrid-car-vs-electric-car/#:~:text=Gas%20cars%3A,gasoline%2Dpowered%20vehicle%20is%20%2433%2C797.

[3] 2023 Transportation Electrification Forecast

Yankee Staff

Yankee Institute is a 501(c)(3) research and citizen education organization that does not accept government funding. Yankee Institute develops and advances free-market, limited-government solutions in Connecticut. As one of America’s oldest state-based think tanks, Yankee is a leading advocate for smart, limited government; fairness for taxpayers; and an open road to opportunity.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Boudreau
    August 19, 2023 @ 9:35 pm


    Submitted the following:

    I strongly urge you to reconsider banning gas powered vehicles in CT. It seems preposterous that CT would simply follow CA direction on a matter of this importance. It makes our grand state appear to be child like in aping its west coast sibling. No matter what the rational is for mimicking CA, CT needs to look to its own uniqueness and the needs of its citizens on a matter of such significance. Banning gas powered vehicles will have a monumental effect on the people of our state, raising prices for consumer goods to levels unaffordable for many of our citizens.

    You should also be more transparent about the process and provide for a full, unrestricted public hearing. The current plan seems restrictive and designed to limit public input. This matter is too important not to give our citizens and business community all the opportunity they deserve to voice their opinions.


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